Showing posts with label ABC News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABC News. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2023

New Hulu doc explores use of rap lyrics as criminal evidence | ABC

 As Always… I am going to do what I want to do Regardless! No , Guys this is America… This is Society.  Different Society want Differences.  You CANNOT because You MAD.. that is what the Laws are for.  For MAD PEOPLE with and depending on which side of the LAW You are On, the LAW is with You and depending on what You are MAD ABOUT, depending on WHO? and You are?  You can THROW the BOOK BUT YOU CANNOT MAKE UP A LAW FOR OR REMAKE THE LAW FOR THAT SITUATION YOU ARE MAD ABOUT THE LAW WILL BE CAST THE LAST AND FINAL WORD ACCORDING TO ANY & WHO SITUATION.  MAD People.. Even if You are the LAW OFFICIAL YOU WILL AND HAVE TO GO BY THE BOOK.  THAT IS WHAT YOUNG THUG DO. YOU HAVE TO BY LAW LET YOUNG THUG GO.  THERE’S NO LAW WITH YOU FOR THE INCARCERATION OF YOUNG THUG.

  What You Think About It?  I am just soo excited about the LAW when or without People are MAD talking about Me and what they heard and what is importantly what they think they know that is called the Different Societies with Their Differences at Me.  I am an Opportunist, give Me the chance I will,  but the LAW Controls Me DUE to the Situation.  Be Thankful of  the LAWS set Forth 1st, They will Represent you and the Law will Prevail always by the Book.  Consider Me a Prosecuter 🤗🤩😂🤪🤣😅 

Closing Remarks 

Let Young Thug Go, 1$T because after this is Over You are Gonna Owe Me, that is who You are After and Free him as a Man Jeffrey Williams,  2ND

As THE PROSECUTOR as THE LAW I have Nothing to hold him for MUSIC 🎶 🎼  🎵 IS a Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Speech Act 

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Monday, November 21, 2022

Lil Wayne explores journey NOLA upstart to mega star


As Always… What you think about? Comment Below and Follow…
