Life in the Buildings such as Fu Wei (position for comfort and soothing), feng shui (which way the house is facing). Personally I believe the buildings live just like We do. You ever hear someone say knowingly witnessing or just to be saying a old saying, they would say be careful of how many square footage that house is or you buy. That is a warning because the bigger the buildings or house without enough mankind capacity the harder it is to breath that is why the Mafia in these old movie always end up on Ventilators of breathing problems the wall have to breath too. Think about it the Builder ask you about the Sheetrock choices when building because certain Sheetrock allow your body to breath I prefer no Insulation you will die quicker through suffocation, just get Fireplace throughout. Buy property to Position your house for the wind can blow a certain way (which way the wind blowing? That’s Feng shui) to help you breath life into Yourself . Think don’t live a bad life by choices of life that’s a easy way to get old and die. I don’t believe in age but that is another subject.So the house out Breathes the mankind body and end their life. Buy choices of life great choices of life those who can afford it. If not go to group homes and facilitation before you look old by choice for life. You have to watch what facility because bad choices living “ old looking people”. Can attack Your life by Federal offense (offending you) by literally taking your breath away from techniques of breath! Emphysema, Gasping, Ventilation, asthma are all form of attacks to gasp for breath through the lungs to breath. Call Body Invasion. Central Air and Air Conditioners can only help You Breath and keep Your Body Temperature to Limited Condictions. So pick a Great place. Elon Musk Tesla Small Space House for 10,000$ can facilitate you. The man is a genius, speaking about Elon Musk trying to figure out Life. Be careful to not overcrowded small house with too many bodies because too many bodies have to breath that is how you die too out breathing each other, watch body capacity (weight) The house will fight you, you ever see a house that start to look bad like there may be mold? Well the body of the house is fighting to out live mankind so everybody die in the house.
Anyways the walls out breathe you if to much square footage that’s another way to die. Watch body capacity of house (square footage). Watch body capacity of mankind (how many to house under one roof and walls and body capacity (weight) Get this don’t know Life and Die. Know Life and Live How by making great choices.
Think About it.
Truly Clique
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