Carl R. Rogers (1902–1987) is esteemed as one of the founders of humanistic psychology. He developed the person-centered, also known as client-centered, approach to psychotherapy and developed the concept of unconditional positive regard while pioneering the field of clinical psychological research. The most common approach used and taught today by psychologist.
Thank you Mr.Rogers, I think.
Meet Gloria. In the early development of this theory, she allowed cameras to record her vulnerable session.
Thank you Gloria.
As part of the approach, he doesn’t advise her. Just guides her through her thoughts.
My opinion; This took place during the sixties, in the midst of an Industrial Revolution, wars, integration and a newly respected women empowerment era. ✊
I believe this was the beginning of a time that made separating house holds…regular, or at least regular to “feel ok” about it.
She felt guilty about feeling the way she felt (promiscuous). She didn’t want to feel bad about it anymore. Carl wouldn’t give her the “approval from an authoritive figure” that she needed. So she convinced herself.
Watch her face as she seems to come to moments of realization.
I admire her bravery and honesty.
Her concern falls to her 9year old daughter, Pam. As any concerned mother would, she’s concerned that her daughter will view her as being “wrong” or “not as great as her father”. This was her greatest fear.
She wasn’t ashamed of her promiscuity, she was afraid of how her day may view her, honerable.
Her ex husband was unfaithful, causing a divorce. She wanted to do her thing ya know, nothing wrong with that.
I do think one factor she didn’t consider was the dynamic between the two genders.
Most likely, hubby had his escapades outside the household and away from HIS family. SHE didn’t always have that luxury, leading her escapades to…HOME.
We can use our “imagination” from there.
Forcing her to try and explain things for Pam’s 9 year old mind to comprehend. Guilt probably creeps in around….HERE.
Pam has probably been in “grown folks business” before her or her mother knew how to navigate it.
She even admits to being attracted to men of power such as doctors, like Carl Himself.(sidenote:fast forward to the end of the video. As Carl gives his assessment of the session, he’s out of breath, sweating, and his tie is loosened. Then, listen to the words he says😅sheeeeeeesh).
On a serious note, Thank you Gloria for allowing us in your thoughts.
Thanks for your truth.
Thank you.
Has anyone heard from Pam?🤔
Notable Gloria quotes: