As Always.. What You Think About It? Wiz Khalifa In My Timeline on Twitter an Awesome Tweeter, Celebrity, Business Couitersuier… That Video shot in Paris! Awesome. Comment Below, Follow, Share, and Subscribe
I am Your Blogger Clique! Clique is pronounced ClichΓ©... I See You! I Provide Entertainment Business Services for You! BLOGGERS: - Blogger Righters Bloc!
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Wiz Khalifa - Paris Fashion Week [Official Music Video]

Friday, October 7, 2022
Wiz Khalifa On Avatar Metaverse! LoLπ
Wiz Khalifa is a Stoner.. He’s going for the Stoner of all Stoners! “I think!” But his Avatar of him In Metaverse is unlike him. You should see it on his Twitter Page! Lol The Avatar of Wiz Khalifa looks “Unlike” him, as in Soul Glow. It’s too Old for him, I mean who did it? Wiz? Please make another one. So I can stop Laughing at You as a Avatar! I know for sure someone has laughed with You about the Avatar of You. It looks like a character from the ‘70 or ‘60’s. Just sayin! Hmmm… CHANGE IT
As Always.. What you think about it? I am Laughing so hard… At that Avatar of Supposingly Wiz Khalifa Chhhhaaaannnnggggeeeee IIIIIttttttttt… Comment Below and Follow

Sunday, October 2, 2022
Your Blogger Clique Comments on WIZ KHALIFA Tweet on TWITTER
YBC comments on Wiz Khalifa TWITTER
As Always.. What you think about it?
Comment Below and Follow